
Easter is coming up soon you know what that means ( candy ) NO

Easter is about Jesus dyeing and coming back to life to save us all.

Think about it, Jesus DIED to save YOU, he died to save EVERYONE.

So tell a family member, a friend, or someone you just want to tell

Tell them to think about how they feel to know that Jesus died for them.

There creature died for them to save them. Good bye and God bless.

PS. I don’t know how to use the tags or category.

About me

Hi i’m Chloe and I am home-schooled. I ride horses almost every week. I live in Michigan. My favorite color is purple. I have 5 siblings. And a dog named Riley. She is a ChihuahuaRat Terrier Mix she looks like this.

Image result for rat Chihuahua female

Yeah She is super cute. Anyways. I love animals. I love nature. And I go to church. I am 12 years old. I was born in 8/27/2007. And that is some stuff about me.

Horse Care


Hello. This is you reading my blog. Just kidding :). Today I’m going to be writing about horses. I ride a horse named Harley. He is a good boy.  If you have seen my blog picture. it’s a horse that is what Harley looks like. But just-in-case you did not I will  show you with a picture at the end of this blog. But I will be giving you 5 horse tips. 1. Don’t go right behind a horses behind. 2. Don’t yell around horses,( that will spook them ). 3. Be careful when you go get your horse for the pasture, ( there might be other horses coming to you ) 4. Don’t be to gentile with your horses but don’t be to hard on them. 5. If you have not been trained with horses to be with them yourself always have an adult with you to keep you safe. Thanks for reading my blog. And I hope you liked it. Stay safe. Stay kind. And read your bible every day. God Bless. Goodbye.PS sorry for the weird sloth picture but i love it
